mercredi 11 avril 2007
Lorsque rien ne que j'ai peur
Ces temps-ci je ne sais plus quoi faire. Une fois que je suis relancee, impossible de m'arreter... Et mon petit coeur bat fort fort, il crie famine le pauvre. Et moi, j'ai peur pour lui. Peur du nombre trop important d'emotions qu'il doit soulever. En passant par les controles de Maths et de Physiques, par les disputes regulieres au sujet de la Mechante Nourriture et toutes les choses qui se passent autour de lui, qui le marquent et le blessent. Bien evidement, j'emploie ici une metonimie pour parler de moi. Moi, mais que suis-je? Une ame qui tente de survivre sans son corps? Pourquoi ne puis-je pas reagir et vivre normalement comme un etre humain de cette Terre? C'est a dire manger pour vivre, comme ce doit se faire normalement. Ne pas y penser tout le temps. Je dois vraiment etre egoiste par rapport a tous les gens de cette planete qui meurt de fin, souffre de mal ou sous nutrition et non rien a se mettre sous la dent. Peut etre serait-ce un moyen de me La faire apprecier. M'en priver dans des conditions atroces jusqu'a ce que j'en ressente le besoin? Pour qu'Elle me prouve que je ne dois pas La controler et La traiter ainsi. Mais qu'y puis-je, moi, pauvre mortelle qui ne fais que compter les jours qui passent, et attendre. Attendre que le reveil sonne, attendre midi, attendre la sortie, attendre de dormir, pour enfin, attendre de partir...
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You're probably sick and tired of hearing this, but I guess it's gonna be ok.All we can do is "guess".
Maybe you'll remember me.I was the kid who got suspended twice on 4eme.Deniz Erdinç, remember?
Maybe "the musician" might ring some bells.
As much as my case sounds like nothing compared to what you've been through, and are going through, it was still something.
And back then, it felt like nobody cared, understood, wanted to care, or wanted to understand for that matter.The little world of a 13 year old was slowly being teared apart, and nobody really knew.
I didn't want them to.
Now, after years of questions, blog posts, diaries, crappy paintings and songs that I've written, I'm finally ok.
Somehow I've seem to have gotten some people to love me.
I have a beautiful girlfriend whom I love more than anything in this world, I still have Can (we'd always hang around together, remember?), we're also very close with deniz başman, I lock myself in my room for a living after school, I'm extremely revengeful, I make stories up and make people believe them ... still lots of sick and stupid shit.Just like a little kid.
But I survived.And I will keep fixing myself, my flaws, everything until I reach perfection, even though I don't believe in perfection, really.
My point is, don't give up.
For me, the more challenging life is, the more fun it is for me.
But I've never been anorexic.
I've never lived in a foreign country and had to make new friends.
But I've went through a couple of things and I can tell you something you probably already know but that I'll remind you of.
"Good" only exists because "Bad" does.
I'll leave this so you can interpret it if you'd like, because every interpretation will lead to the same spot =)
I always admired you for your good grades.That might sound like a joke, but I did.Everybody kept talking about you and how many problems you seemed to have, and I always said to myself "Well she still has the strength to WORK"
Maybe that wasn't strength, maybe working was your way out of all this shit, like it is with me with sleep.Sleeping away from problems...
But I liked to believe it was.
I still remember, that everyone at school was so afraid to come close to you.
Afraid to hurt you, because everyone spoke of how you'd react if we did this or that, some people who tried to help didn't really understand that it wasn't by always reminding you to eat that they could help you, did they?
Dumb, dumb people.
Misused intelligence, perhaps.
That's how I like to think.
So where am I now?
Where are we? Humans?
People killing people? Why does society suck? Why do I NOT want to become a part of it someday? Why? Why?
Questions are actually what drive me nuts more often after that asshole George Bush.
Je pense etre allé un peu trop hors du sujet =)
Just think about what I said, I'm not trying to be arrogant.
You probably know of all these already, but reminding you won't do any bad.
Gretting from Turkey.
Haven't talked to Rengim, but she'll probably say hello.
Au revoir
Deniz, your comment made me cry. Honnestly, I've never thought you thought this way. Actually, I do admire you for your principles, your fight against what happened to you in 4eme. I think I'm going to print your message an read it every night before sleepind, just to remember the advice given bye a 16 year old boy from Turkey, to whom I didn't talk much, and who I finally discover. The only thing I can tell you is Thank you. Perhaps I heard this lodes of times, but never like
Say hi to everybody in Ankara.
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